
都立国際高等学校 Nさん(男生徒)

I have always had the feeling that England is where I belong. Reasons are not so clear, but one contributing factor is that I had spent most of my childhood in the country. I love the culture, the education, and pretty much everything; though not so much the weather.

That is why when I received the results from Tazaki foundation, I was very excited. An opportunity to go back once more, to study in the excellent education environment. I had heard public schools offer an excellent environment where it encourages the students to push themselves even further, beyond their physical and academic capabilities. To put it, I think it is a great opportunity to really get involved in activities of interest and use my time wisely. Currently, I have so many plans and ambitions for my time at Fettes. I will be talking about them in my following reports.

But first and foremost, I would like to thank the Tazaki foundation for offering me this amazing opportunity. Now it is my responsibility to make the most out of it.