

In the last term, I did borrow a very attractive book called Napoleon’s Button from my chemistry teacher. This book discusses organic compounds which have had significant impact on history, from chemical perspectives adding to their historical background. The most impressive part in the book is alkaloid compounds, which are able to work as neurotransmitters in human body. Alkaloid compounds affect nerve system via ion channels on the cells and hormone receptors, for example tetrodotoxin binds to sodium ion channels and disturb electrical equilibrium. Basically, this electrical unbalance is the cause of electrical signal in your nerve system.

Since alkaloid was considerably appealed to me, I did write some articles for Science Journal which is managed by my physics teacher in Christ’s Hospital. Science Journal assists me to consolidate and deepen my knowledge about chemistry beyond the A-level curricular. Interestingly, alkaloid compounds could be both poison/drug and medicines, for example, the following chemicals belong to alkaloid: morphine, quinine, TTX and aconitine. Therefore, I was intrigued to understand rudimental knowledge on medicinal chemistry, and hence I took part in an online course about this subject in this summer. Obviously, medicinal chemistry is the overlap between chemistry and biology. As I do not study biology in A-level, it was a great opportunity to learn the mechanism of medicines’ effect on protein. It gave me a remarkable insight to consider chemicals how associated with biology, and how assess the effectiveness and potency of medicines.

In addition, I attended the other online course about atmospheric chemistry organised by University of Leeds. This treated how chemical compounds in the atmosphere could contribute to global warming and pollution. Currently, environmental issues are one of the most controversial topics, but the method to predict the atmospheric chemistry on local, regional and global scales was indicated. A new concept for me was introduced, which is utilizing oxidising agent in the atmosphere to predict the change of the atmosphere.

Because I have been interested in history and classics, I participated in classics lessons in TOPS. Both Roman and Greek mythologies and Greek tragedy had a big influence on Shakespeare literature, and consequently spurred to form the modern English language. Totally, all lessons in TOPS told how important Latin language is in the UK, and helped me to moderately understand traditional British culture and philosophy. The lecture about Ukraine by Sir Adam Roberts was extremely wonderful, at the point where to interact with the opinion of the world leader of international relationship.

The next term would be even busier for the application process. Overall, the summer term and this summer holiday was fulfilling with preparing the admissions and broadening my knowledge with following my curiosity.