
都立国際高等学校 Nさん(男生徒)

Two terms have passed, and I am pleased to write that everything has been going smoothly so far. Special classes for Oxbridge applicants have also begun, and it feels like exam pressure is starting to set in.

I am currently considering an economics degree at university. Fortunately, Fettes has been providing me with all the support needed. They have taken to me to Oxbridge events and have dedicated super-curricular classes to aid with my learning. Now I have a clearer path in mind to follow, for which I am truly grateful.

A few weeks ago, I had the rare chance to participate in one of Edinburgh universities’ economics lecture. The talk was by John Moore, a professional in the field of econometric and contracts. It focused on the importance of bilateral trust between individuals and how it aids in lubricating the “economic machine.” Personally, I have always had an interest in behavioural economics and this talk had enlightened my passion. For those that are interested, I have written a summary of the content here.

Another exciting event was the Poland trip earlier this term. A group of students studying history and politics went to Poland, to study the Solidarity movement and the World War. Overall, the weather wasn’t too great, but we still got the full experience. We went around museums and different monuments, including a concentration camp. Despite the gloomy theme of the trip, I enjoyed it a lot as it was an experience that I never had before. (I have also compiled a report of this trip, which may be uploaded soon to the Tazaki foundation website.)

The gloomy winter is finally over, and with spring setting in, days are getting longer. I am looking forward to start playing tennis again as a Games option in summer term, as it is my main sport. It is already the last term of the lower sixth form, and as always, I am willing to make the most out of it.